We    provide    energy    solutions     with     integrity    through    our  different    business    divisions.
Montfort’s    interlinked   divisions complement   each  other,  providing   integrated   services  that
leverage  their   combined expertise. This synergy enhances our operational efficiency, enabling us
to drive collective success in the global market and deliver exceptional value to our stakeholders.

We provide energy solutions with integrity through our different business divisions. Montfort’s interlinked divisions complement each other, providing  integrated   services that leverage their combined expertise. This synergy enhances our operational efficiency, enabling us to drive collective success in the global market and deliver exceptional value to our stakeholders.

Operating Efficiently, Leading with Innovation.

Operating Efficiently, Leading with Innovation.

Montfort  Trading  manages a diverse portfolio of products and services safely and responsibly all over
the  world. With extensive expertise and knowledge in various fields, we ensure top-quality service and
delivery  in   every  market  we  serve. Our  responsive  decision-making approach, combined with our
understanding of the connection between risk, reward, and sustainable growth, has made us one of
the fastest-growing  global commodity trading and asset investment companies in the energy sector.

Explore Our Products

Crude Oil

Montfort’s term contracts for crude
are  increasing  and  add  value  to
both    producers,     and     refiners,
including     our        own     refinery.

Fuel Oil

Our expanding fuel oil positions are
based      on      physical       bunker
operations    and   participation   in
regional tenders.


Montfort        is          committed      to
infrastructure          and            refining
investments,  enabling us to enhance
product     and     service      offerings.


With   over   2 million   barrels of storage
in       Fujairah       and      a       growing
downstream infrastructure,  we provide
an        efficient      value    chain       for
suppliers              and             consumers.


Montfort   trades   a   full   range   of
gasoline         and            associated
components,     meeting     regional
demands and supporting      global
gasoline flows via our blending hub
in Fujairah, UAE.


We trade niche Naphtha grades
for    petchem      and     gasoline
blending, utilizing      our       tanks
in strategic locations.


Montfort  is  commited  to delivering
LPG     to      end-users     with     bulk
purchasing  and the utilization of our
terminals   and  downstream   assets.

Low Carbon

We    are    developing    strategic
relationships within the renewable
and   low-carbon   energy  space.

Gas & Power

We maintain power and gas trading
licenses  in  Turkey. In  addition,  we
have    applied    for   the   required
licenses to  trade  power  in  Europe.

Metals, Minerals, and
Dry Bulk

We trade non-ferrous metals such as
aluminum,  lead,  nickel,   and   zinc;
and  materials  like  coal,  coke,  HBI,
pig      iron,      and         pet      coke.

Montfort  Trading  manages a diverse portfolio of products and services safely and responsibly all over the  world. With extensive expertise and knowledge in various fields, we ensure top-quality service and delivery  in   every  market  we  serve. Our  responsive  decision-making approach, combined with our understanding of the connection between risk, rerward, and sustainable growth, has made us one of the fastest-growing  global commodity trading and asset investment companies in the energy sector.

Explore Our Products

Crude Oil

Montfort’s term contracts for crude are increasing and add value to both producers, and refiners, including our own refinery.

Fuel Oil

Our expanding fuel oil positions are based on physical bunker operations    and   participation in regional tenders.


Montfort  is  committed to infrustructure  and refining investments, enabling us to enhance product and service offerings.


With   over 2   million   barrels   of storage in Fujairah and a growing downstream infrustructure, we provide an efficient value chain for suppliers  and consumers.


Montfort trades a full range of gasoline and associated components, meeting regional demands and supporting global gasoline flows via our branding hub in Fujairah, UAE.


We trade niche Naphtha grades for petchem and gasoline blending, utilizing our tanks in strategic locations.


(Liquefied Petroleum Gas)

Montfort is commited  to delivering LPG to end-users with bulk purchasing and the utilization of our terminals and  downstream assets.

Low Carbon

We are developing strategic relationships within the renewable and low-carbon energy space.

Gas & Power

We maintain power and gas trading licenses  in  Turkey. In  addition,  we have applied for the required licenses to trade power in  Europe.

Metals, Minerals, and
Dry Bulk

We trade non-ferrous metals such as aluminum, lead, nickel, and zinc; and materials like coal, coke, HBI, pig iron, and pet coke.

Powering Progress, Delivering Energy.

Montfort Maritime, a wholly owned subsidiary of the Montfort Group, diversifies investments across the
maritime  sector , from  dry  to  wet shipping, benefiting  from  the Group’s  trading expertise to uncover
significant  value  and   generate alpha.  With  access   to   commodity  trader   fundamentals   and   a
world-class    freight    trading    team,    Montfort    Maritime      gains     unique    competitive     insights.

Our  strategy  aims  to  secure attractive yields  through advanced  instruments and  risk  management
tools,     such     as     forward    freight     agreements     (FFAs)     and     varied      contract     coverage.

Infrastructure Investment

Montfort      Maritime        strategically
invests  in a diverse range of maritime
assets,    focusing      on     operational
efficiency,   niche market capabilities,
and compliance  with  environmental
regulations. ………………………………..

Trading Collaborations

We provide our trading partners with
access     to     our     comprehensive
maritime   platfrom   through  various
collaborative     arrangements.     Our
robust asset  portfolio  is bolstered by
a        strong     cargo     base     and
exceptional trading capabilities. Our
active   trading   approach   delivers
superior risk-adjusted returns through
careful      risk    management     and
stringent          technical          criteria.

Shipping Services

Our    shipping     division,    Montfort
Maritime  Shipping  Services  (MFFS),
secures competitive freight rates for
both our  in-house oil & gas, and dry
bulk  traders  and  chartering  out  to
external    clients,   ensuring   top-tier
service  and  value.……………………..

Investment Opportunities

We     offer       our       investors       the
opportunity      to     gain     managed
exposure    to    the     global     freight
markets  by   participating  in our time
charter freight  trading portfolios, with
the     flexibility      to     tailor    bespoke
strategies       to      fit      their     needs.




Montfort Maritime, a wholly owned subsidiary of the Montfort Group, diversifies investments across the maritime sector, from dry to wet shipping, benefiting from the Group’s trading expertise to uncover significant value and generate alpha. With access to commodity trader fundamentals and a world-class freight trading team, Montfort Maritime gains unique competitive insights.

Our strategy aims to secure attractive yields through advanced instruments and risk management tools, such as forward freight agreements (FFAs) and varied contract coverage.

Instructive Investment

Montfort Maritime strategically invests in a diverse range of maritime assets, focusing on operational efficiency, niche market capabilities, and compliance with environmental regulations.

Trading Collaborations

We provide our trading partners with access to our comprehensive maritime platform through various collaborative arrangements. Our robust asset portfolio is bolstered by a strong cargo base and exceptional trading capabilities. Our active trading approach delivers superior risk-adjusted returns through careful risk management and stringent technical criteria.

Shipping Services

Our shipping division, Montfort Maritime Shipping Services (MFFS), secures competitive freight rates for both our in-house oil & gas, and dry bulk traders and chartering out to external clients, ensuring top-tier service and value.

Investment Opportunities

We offer our investors the opportunity to gain managed exposure to the global freight markets by participating in our time charter freight trading portfolios, with the flexibility to tailor bespoke strategies to fit their needs.




Storing Energy, Supplying Power.

Fort Energy,  a  wholly  owned subsidiary  of  Montfort,  manages   the   group’s   investments   in   the
midstream and downstream oil sector.

Fort Energy diversifies its exposure across market sectors, geographies, and commodity supply chains,
leveraging  Montfort’s preferential  access  to deal flow and deep industry knowledge. We focus our
investment on three sectors:

  • Energy, commodity, and component production
  • Supply chain assets and infrastructure
  • Energy for transport and commodity downstream

Our aim  is  to  continuously develop  strategic  relationships  within  the downstream  space  and  seek
investment opportunities across the value chain. We identify high-potential markets and create value
through strategic investments. By partnering with investors, we combine our  collective  expertise and
resources to ensure sustainable and impactful investments.

Fort Energy, a wholly owned subsidiary of Montfort, manages the Group’s investments in the midstream and downstream oil sector.

Fort Energy diversifies its exposure across market sectors, geographies, and commodity supply chains, leveraging Montfort’s preferential access to deal flow and deep industry knowledge. We focus our investment on three sectors:

  • Energy, commodity, and component production
  • Supply chain assets and infrastructure
  • Energy for transport and commodity downstream

Our aim is to continuously develop strategic relationships within the downstream space and seek investment opportunities across the value chain. We identify high-potential markets and create value through strategic investments. By partnering with investors, we combine our collective expertise and resources to ensure sustainable and impactful investments.

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